by / Monday, 12 September 2016 / Published in Blogs

To Study abroad in a school so far away from where you belong, isn’t easy at all. What is more difficult are the things that lead you into finding the best course in the best place at the best time. Study Abroad Consultants definitely make this easier for you.The job of overseas education consultants is to help you align your academic bent of mind, thoughts and expressions which your dream school encourages. Study Abroad Consultants do this by continuous and careful mentoring.

Study Abroad Consultants give special emphasis on how you write your SAT essay for overseas education. The style you choose for your SAT essay determines the response that your admission application with fetch. How you score on your SAT has a lot to do with your tone of formality that your essay is expected to always carry. Here If you are looking for overseas education, here are some career guidance tips from Study Abroad Consultants that will help you highlight your academic profile effectively.

1. Say ‘No’ to I’s and You’s

Study Abroad Consultants say that the system assessing your essay does not really want your point of view as much as it wants a certain style of putting your point across depending on the college you’re applying to for overseas education. To begin with, try to maintain an objective tone and keep an unbiased perspective to the topic. Study overseas consultants train you to discuss or express your opinion, and write emotionally with a formal tone.

2. Write well!

Study Abroad Consultants say your handwriting can make a big impression on the mind of the reader. You don’t have to practise calligraphy if you are smart, but if your handwriting looks like mud in the park, do yourself a favor by practising every day, little by little. Write clearly, separating letters and words and try to give your writing a rhythm (which the study overseas consultants try to train students to do – to make it a pleasure-to-read.

Also read: Appearing for SAT? Download These Apps!

3. The power of a paragraph

Study Abroad Consultants and SAT essay graders love the concept of writing in paragraphs. Even while you should try to be creative, always remember the essay has three main segments – the introduction, the body and the conclusion. Try to keep your writing separated in three different zones with one string of thought that keeps things together. Do the same when you write mock-ups for study overseas consultants.

4. Don’t try to sound like an expert

Don’t try to sound like you know it all to your Study Abroad Consultants, even if you truly do. Even during SAT, your aim is to come across as receptive student who is intelligent, driven and tries to pick up concepts and theories by understanding them, and not by mugging them up. Study overseas consultants say you don’t have to have the perfect words for something you’re trying to put across, just having your concept right is sufficient!

Practice makes you perfect, so remember to give time to writing and take as many sample tests on overseas education and keep a track of how you score!

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