Here are 9 Ways to Make Your College Applications Stand Out: 1. Start early: Students should make a 4-year plan starting from Grade 9. Freshmen should take challenging courses related to the program they plan to take in the college. If they are not clear about what program they will take in college they should take

Tips To Evaluate Your College Options

Thursday, 07 April 2016 by

Congratulations to the students who have received multiple offers. It is important to understand each offer and compare them all and find the one that is a right fit for you. Here are a few tips to evaluate your college options: 1. Understand The Various Offers Review the various offers and make sure you understand

Date: 23rd March, 2016 By: Nischay Educorp Preparing yourself well for a new beginning in a new country is essential. This makes the settling down process faster and easier. This is the first hand information from a parent. Here are 10 Tips For Students Admitted In International Universities: 1. Travel Documents Check well in advance

Date: 16th March, 2016 By: Nischay Educorp The college application process requires a lot of detailed planning and then executing that plan in a time bound manner. In the absence of a clear plan, the college application process can be a really stressful ordeal. While it is difficult to eliminate the stress completely, it can

Date: 15th February, 2016 By: Nischay Educorp “Colleges are looking for those students who are looking for them. Hence, don’t play hard to get while applying!” Almost all the admissions administrator will tell you to take prior action because that is the perfect way to show a college that you’re serious about them. But this

Date: 6th February, 2016 By: Nischay Educorp Here are 5 Reasons Why You Need to Experience Studying Abroad! 1. Employability It was seen that a whopping 90% of students were cited employability as an important reason to study abroad which had a great impact in improving their prospects. Student who had studied abroad had a

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