Is a counselling session in the office important?

This is a recurring FAQ and perhaps some career counselling can be achieved when you interact with us over the phone. However, we feel that applying for higher studies is a life transforming experience. This needs a certain amount of thoughtful deliberation which is achieved through career counselling when all the options available to you are better understood across the table with us.

Can I be accompanied my family members and friends?

It is very important that an applicant be accompanied by his/her parents and family members. This is a very important decision that also requires substantial investment and requires a family to understand the process and their contribution in it. Moreover, friends and siblings can sometimes ask questions that you may overlook adding to the depth of the conversation and hence we encourage applicants to be accompanied by all those who understand the seriousness of the initiative and only want the best for you.

What happens in a counselling session?

A counselling session is an interactive discussion which addresses your current need. If the student is in grade X, there is an element of career counselling involved. If the student is in grade 11 and grade 12, the career counselling generally revolves around their higher education needs. The counsellor evaluates the student’s current profile and makes suggestions to bolster it to make a more ambitious initiative as we feel that students come to us for value addition and we try our best to help them put their best foot forward. In the first session of career counselling, the student is given a clear picture of what we can help him/her achieve and then we leave it to the student to take it further with us.

Do I need to carry any documents when I come for the first session?

In the first session of career counselling, you are required to fill an information form that gives us the basic information that we need to give you the first cut information. Subsequent to that, you would be required to follow a specific procedure for submission of documentation to your advising mentor.

How important are the standardised tests?

The standardized tests scores are very important as they help the universities gauge your basic aptitude for the course. Having said that, the standardised tests cannot be looked at in isolation.

I have done very well in academics and have a very good SAT 1and SAT2  score , yet I was rejected by most of the top schools that I made an application to… what do you think went wrong?

Please note that every year thousands of students apply to the top schools and only a small percentage of these students are admitted. Most of these applicants are pretty much similar even in terms of grades and test scores. Hence, the Admissions Committees take a more holistic approach to evaluating applications and select candidates who are unique and show all around depth.

I am keen to do my MBA from one of the top ranked B schools and am preparing for my GMAT. I am working in a multinational company and hardly get any time to pursue any activity on the side. I have not much to write about to make my application unique… how can you guide me?

We have a large number of young professionals who come to us with the same predicament. Building a unique profile in the circumstances that you are in, requires a little bit of smart manoeuvring of personal energy and time into projects that can be handled over weekends and go a long way in strengthening your application. Our team, through a career counselling session, will be able to give you various options that will interest you. Please visit our office for this kind of career counselling and you will know how small initiatives on your part can make a lot of difference to the application.

What do you do in your personality development programs and what is their duration?

The personality development programs are tailor-made for each individual student based on a careful analysis of the student’s personality. This usually occurs after career counselling sessions. The idea is to help the student work on his/her weak areas and emerge confident and ready to make a mark in a more global context.