Friday, 15 July 2016 by

There are many stages to prepare for your study abroad which include career guidance, preparing a common application and giving the required exams. Ideally, you would start by seeking an education counsellor who guides you for the rest of the year- which courses to choose, which universities to select etc. Thereafter, when all decisions pertaining

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Day 1 – Dream Come True. You’re finally on your own in a place where you know no one. There’s a crazy sense of satisfaction for having put a feather on your family crown because you feel like they’d be so proud. There’s an enormous sense of freedom, because you’re starting a new life and

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What Should High School Students Do Over the Summer?: College admissions are getting more and more competitive. Only school grades are no longer an indicator of an impressive application. Using summer vacation time purposefully can get your application to the top of the heap. Here are 6 ways for High School students to make best

Date: 15th February, 2016 By: Nischay Educorp “Colleges are looking for those students who are looking for them. Hence, don’t play hard to get while applying!” Almost all the admissions administrator will tell you to take prior action because that is the perfect way to show a college that you’re serious about them. But this

Date: 6th February, 2016 By: Nischay Educorp Here are 5 Reasons Why You Need to Experience Studying Abroad! 1. Employability It was seen that a whopping 90% of students were cited employability as an important reason to study abroad which had a great impact in improving their prospects. Student who had studied abroad had a

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